Life is too short to wake up with regrets...Love the people who treat you right & forget the ones who don't!!...Believe that everything happens for a reason...If you get a chance-take it...If it changes your life-let it...Nobody said life would be easy...They just promised it would be worth it...^_^*

28 March 2012

jom throwing...^_^*

hye readers...
soey la...
pg neh mmg blmbak post....
sbb nye sume mmg aku kmpul tok cite lam 1 ary je...
nk wt lam 1 post mmg la pnjg brjela2 sgt t...

entry yg nie lak nk cite sal aku pye major sbject 4 degree....
kowg da tao an sal aku amik mnde neh??
so xyah la nk cite lg...

ape yg aku nk kgsi kn ngn kowg ialah...
smlm a.k.a ari selasa 27hb..
aku try test mn'throwing' kn diri...

means aku try apply tknik throwing r...
amnde throwing neh??
mnde alh yg psing2 tu...
tok wt pasu ke...mgkuk ke...cawan ke...
cm gmbr neh...

nie xtao tgn sape...aku rembat kt pkcik google je..
gemok je an??sbb tu sng dye nk throwing sbb kuat...^_^*

nk yg tutorial pye sile la klik cinie ek...
pkai mnde nie r cpt sket ciap...
leh je pkai tknik laen tp leceh r...

mulenye aku ingt tknik throwing nie sng je...
tp ssh weh...
sgt ssh nk jd...
prlukn kekuatan tgn yg mksima tok mmbntuk mnde yg kite nk wt tu...
aku wt byk kli xjd2...
hmpir nk jd da tp pstu hncur smle...
sbb nye aku neh mmg awg yg xpnyabar...
ape kaitan???
ble xsaba mmg la aku maen wt je mnde tu ikt pale aku...

nie antara gmbr yg kwn aku smpt snap time aku mn'throwing' neh...

wt mnde alah nie tgn mmg la knpem comot...

so sesape yg mmg ske maen ngn clay n jd comot momot...
leh la joint aku wt throwing neh...

next time knpem aku akn cuba lg wt...
smpai jd pasu ke, cawan ke...
pape la...
asl jd...

t klu btol jd aku upload gmbr...

tu je...