Life is too short to wake up with regrets...Love the people who treat you right & forget the ones who don't!!...Believe that everything happens for a reason...If you get a chance-take it...If it changes your life-let it...Nobody said life would be easy...They just promised it would be worth it...^_^*

11 July 2012


hye awok2...

wtpe tu??
hope cht le blke ek??

post kli nie xde mnde sgt pon nk cite....
nk kgsi sal diri sndri da xtao nk cite hape...
korek n kgsi sal org laen lak la...

bru2 nie ade 1 prkhwinan yg leh kre wt aku trharu la...
even bkn sdre trdekat ke hape ke...
tp ttp aku ske...
sbb nye dye nie retis (artis)..
respek la kt dye sbb da brubah...

sape retis tu??

kn bru2 nie dye kawen...
ske aku tgk mjlis kawen dye...
so sweet...
laki dye hemsem...
sejuk mate memandang....

ade video akd nikah dye...
time tu la aku trharu nk rak...

siyes la...
aku doankn mreke bhgia hngga ke syurga...
n smge mreke jd cntoh pd mreke yg laen...

xyh nk brcnta bgai nk rak sbb xsmsti org tu jdoh kita..
n respek mjlis nikah kawen Islam yg sptotnye xbrlebihan...
ckop skadar meraikan scare brsederhana....

cm ade 1 retis nie...
aku mmg xske la cre nikah ye...
da cm bkn org Islam...
sakit ke klu nikah nk pkai tudung...
wt tmbh dosa je...
bkn lme pon akh nikah tu...
klu rimas sgt nk pkai tdung tu...
hbis akd nikah tu tggal je la...


semoga dye dibrikn hidayah n x jd ikutan org laen...
n smge husband nye dpt bmbing dye jd wanita solehah...

kt cnie ade sket gmbr yg smpat aku rembat...
gmbr mjlis c IRMA HASMI...
dr page The Kliker l Wedding & Portrait Photography...
official photographer dorg...

enjoy it...

p/s: satu hari nnti aku pon hrp dpt suami yg sjuk mata memndang cmnie n soleh yg leh bmbing aku jd wnita yg solehah....amin...



  1. lol..her husband kinda looks like the guy in the new spider man movie..kinda same but not that much..;P

  2. oooyyeehhh???ala....xtgk lg citer uhhh...huhuhuuh

    1. I personally think that u don't have to watch it..its more kinda remake of the movie..
