Life is too short to wake up with regrets...Love the people who treat you right & forget the ones who don't!!...Believe that everything happens for a reason...If you get a chance-take it...If it changes your life-let it...Nobody said life would be easy...They just promised it would be worth it...^_^*

22 January 2013


ooolllaaa readers....
post kli nie nk kgsi sket sal novel yg aku bru bce...
xde bru ane pon...
da 2 3 ari lpas gk hbis bcenye....
bli nye mggu lpas tp tetbe cm mls lak nk mmbce...
so bru nie la khatamnye...

novel 2 tjuk nye THE WEDDING BREAKER..
serba sket sal novel nie bce kt bwh ek...

alksahnye sal Adam Mukhriz ngn Arianna Rose...dorg jmpe kt mjlis kwin c Adam ngn kwnnye c Rose nie iaitu Tgku Juwita...c Juwita neh xnk kwen ngn Adam neh sbb Adam neh playboy...c Rose nie pon tlg la ranapkn prkhwinan mreke neh ngn ckp yg dye mngadungkan ank c Adam neh...

Adam sket ati n bls dndam sbb da mlukn dye dpn org rmai ngn care prkosa c Rose neh...cian kt Rose neh...da la kne prkosa...pstu Adam neh leh wt xtao je kt dye...dye tggalkn c Rose neh trkapai2...dlm 2 3 bln pstu mreke jmpe smle scre xsgje...kebetulan uruskan sal 1 mjlis amal...cmtula krenye...

d pendekkan cte...mak ayh c Adam neh jdohkan Adam ngn Rose neh...msing2 stuju sbb xtao sape tunang mreke tuh...da kwen bru tao...wlupn mlenye Rose xske tp lpas dye trima gk Adam neh as her hsband sbb dye da wt solat istikharah n Adam da brubah jd baek...dan pengakhiran nye mstila hepy ending an??mreke bhgia ngn ank2 mreke...

nk tao full story silelah bli novel neh..
rate tok nvel neh...

komen sket..

cter neh agk best...mmg tbal...da cm kmus da..600 lbey page..memula aku bce on9 kt mmg best...ble da bce fully dr bku cm a little bit bored la...xsure npe...novel neh bgus sbb byk trjemahan ayt al-Quran...yg pd aku xbest mybe sbb knflik xbyk kot...n knfliknye awl2 da dkuarkan...prtengahan just prmainan trik tli btween Adam n Rose n pghjung lbey pde hbungan hsband-wife...nvel neh xbyak ayt2 nkal n gado2 antara hero n heroin cm nvel2 yg laen..kre mmg pnulis tros pokes je kt wtak2 utama n msej yg cuba dsmpaikan...laen pnulis laen crenye kn??

stakat neh novel2 dr Hlovate msih lg yg trbaek pd aku...
jln cter, nsihat, pngajaran, pnduan, pngalaman n mcm2 lg mmg pdat dlm 2 nvel...
aku salute gler ngn care dye olah cter2 dye...
cm ase kte sndri yg msuk n jd wtak lam cte uhh...

k la...
t klu ade duet nk srvey ag nvel2 bru...
klu korg2 ade jmpe n bce nvel2 bru yg best....
bgtao la ek??

*psss: da stat bosan dok kt umah xwt pape...asik tgk tb je...huhuhuhu...ase cm nk kje lak tp cti tggl lg sbln je...rugi2...huuhuhhu


  1. cam best jer cik anis.. waaaa nie yang membuatkan ak xsaba nak shopping novel :)

  2. hehehehhe....try la bli...xpon bce lu sket scre on9...hehehehhe

  3. dah baca pon. beli pagi tadi :) first je yang best , tengah2 tue ade lah sikit. cam yang boleh bagi hanya 8/10. haha

  4. hehehheh....
    tu la psal...
    cte neh xbyk pon gado2..
    sbb tu cm bosan sket kot...

  5. Hey you! Yea you..when you gonna update ur blog?? I've missed to read ur story..:(

  6. hahahahha..
    i'm a little it busy...
    mybe dlm mse trdekat i cuba update k..
    thanxs a lot sbb tye..
    terharu sgt..

  7. I know..=.='
    gosh..u msti bz sgt2 sb b4 dis u still update ur blog at least once a month..

    let me be ur bibik so u can update more story..lolz..kiddin'

    no need to terharu biru meh..its juz that I loike ur writing style..very bersahaja..;)
