Life is too short to wake up with regrets...Love the people who treat you right & forget the ones who don't!!...Believe that everything happens for a reason...If you get a chance-take it...If it changes your life-let it...Nobody said life would be easy...They just promised it would be worth it...^_^*

01 February 2012



hyep reader...hehehehhe....hope sumer cht....ary neh mood nk brbelog smpai awl...mybe naek airplane kot...^_^*

sblm nie klu xupdate blog pon tgn neh msih rjin wt aktvti blog wlking n skodeng fb....hehehhe...da bosan an???biler smpt menskodeng belog n fb rakan2 yg laen terase diri neh sgt kecil dan ketinggalan...

nape begitu??

sbb mereka semua mmg la sgt dewasa dr aku..plbgai aktvti mereka lakukan....da ade yg wt wdding planner,krja best n plbgai lgi...msing2 pon smkin updte dgn fesyen n yupp...mmg smkin pndai brgaya....jao di sudut aty aku terasa sgt jao ktinggalan n cmburu tu mmg la ade....seringkali trlintas d pkiran..."biler la aku nak jd cmnie lak"...xde lg br't-shrt n br'suar jean'...

hhmmmpppp....stakat neh mnde yg aku dpt upgrde sket hnyelah style tdung...da tkar pshmina lak skang...tu pon sbb aku ase agk slese pkai mnde alah tu...brkedot pon msih sng pkai...klu tdung mmg la knpem kne gosok klu brkedot...heheheheh.....nk tkar style brpakaian tp sgt ssh nk cri yg sesuai...almklumla...aku neh itm rentong n gemok pndek lak tu...hmmmppp...mmg byk kekurangan ngn diri neh...mybe sbb tula aku ssh nk upgre diri neh....

tp pape pon aku cube tok jd 'biar hodoh asl pndai n baek'....hehehhehe...ase nyer tu lg bgus kot...cume aku akn try lg la jd seorg ank 'pmpn' yg ade gye pmpn nyer tok my mom...xde la kasar,gnas n asl boleh je biler dressup an???cian my mom...msty dyer pon nk tgk aku jd cm ank pmpn org laen yg cntik mnis n lmah lmh lmbot tu mg ssh la....

hehehehhe...tgk la cmne t...skang pn aku ngah mncri2 lg idntiti fesyen yg aku ase sesuai ngn aku...hehehhe....hope aku akn smkin dwsa...kre xde la owg nk pggil aku 'dk kcik ag' an???tp asenyer mmg gelaran 2 ssh nk dibuang dr aku...xpela...aslkn kowg ingt aku suda la....

hmmmppp....ckop lu smpai cnie....kmudian lak smbung...^_^

see ya n adios...

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